Sunday, July 12, 2009

Summer Fest

We’ve been at the West Seattle Summer Fest for the last two days. The weather has been wonderful, low 80’s with a nice breeze. And I say breeze because between our tent and the building there has been a wind tunnel created! So at times when the breeze comes through our tent literally takes off. It’s been quite funny at times and not so funny at others. Keeps us on our toes!

The Twisted Totes® are selling really well. The response has been great with lots of wonderful feedback. We definite hit the mark with our first shot out of the gate. It makes all those hours of cutting and sewing worthwhile. We have some great ideas for what will come next in our emporium. Just wait and see!

I think we are going to buy a booth at the Alki Art Fair. It happens in two weeks and is just outside my front door and across the street to the beach. It will be an easy set up and with sunny weather what could be better than sitting on the beach for two days?

Here’s a little slide of some of the last two days!

Today it is cool and overcast with rain clouds all around. I hope they stay out of our way! Enjoy…

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